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Archive for January 2018


Nose Reconstruction 3

Patient diagnosed by primary care physician biopsy. Diagnosis Squamous cell carcinoma of tip of nose. Mohs surgery performed by Dr. Gregory Bartlow at SCARS Center. Nose reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.         

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Nose Reconstruction 2

Patient diagnosed with Basal cell carcinoma of left nasal ala, nasal side wall and left medial cheek. Mohs excistion performed by primary dermatologist. Nose reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.  

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Nose Reconstruction 1

Patient diagnosed with Basosquamous Carcinoma of right nose. Mohs surgery performed by Dr. Matthew Goodman at SCARS Center. Nose reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.       

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Lip Reconstruction 4

Patient diagnosed with recurrent Basal cell carcinoma of right lower lip. Mohs excision performed by primary dermatologist. Lip reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.       

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Lip Reconstruction 3

Patient diagnosed with Basal cell carcinoma of the left upper lip, basal cell carcinoma of the right upper lip. Mohs excision performed by primary dermatologist. Lip reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.   

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Lip Reconstruction 2

Patient diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma of right lower lip. Mohs excision performed by Dr. Gregory Bartlow at SCARS Center. Lip Reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.  

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Lip Reconstruction 1

Patient diagnosed with superficial basal cell carcinoma of the right lower cutaneous lip. Mohs performed by Dr. Michelle Aszterbaum at SCARS Center. Lip Reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.   

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Forehead Reconstruction 3

Patient diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma of right medial forehead. Mohs excision performed by primary dermatologist. Forehead reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.   

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Forehead Reconstruction 2

Patient diagnosed with Squamous cell carcinoma of left forehead. Mohs surgery performed by Dr. Gregory Bartlow at SCARS Center. Forehead reconstruction performed by Dr. Simon Madorsky at SCARS Center.  

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