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Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Management of Non-Healing Lesion

HISTORY An 85-year-old man with a history of multiple BCC and SCC of the scalp previously treated with radiation and intralesional 5-FU presents with a non healing lesion of the left parietal scalp. Shave biopsy of the left parietal scalp performed on 7/21/21 showed a non specific ulcer with atypical squamous epithelium of the scalp.…

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Managing Eyelid Skin Cancer

HISTORY A 53-year-old man presented with an approximately 10-year history of right upper eyelid “psoriasis.” He was treated with alclometasone dipropionate 0.05% ointment which helped with redness but flaking was still present. Trial of Protopic 0.1% ointment on 1/23/20 with minimal relief. Punch biopsy of the right upper eyelid on 5/19/21 showed inflamed AK. Area…

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Multiple Cutaneous Carcinomas in Organ Transplant Recipients

HISTORY  A 73-year-old kidney transplant recipient presented with multiple carcinomas including SCC, SCC in situ, and BCC of the face and scalp. DISCUSSION Organ transplant recipients can suffer from multiple cutaneous carcinomas. Some lesions can have a high risk of metastases, but most occur in multitudes in areas of extensive sun exposure. At SCARS Center,…

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Intralesional 5-fluorouracil for Cutaneous BCC and SCC

HISTORY  An 86-year-old man on hemodialysis with multiple medical problems and on warfarin presented with two carcinomas of the nasal tip: BCC of the left nasal tip and SCC of the right nasal tip. The ulceration of the right SCC exposed the alar cartilage. Patient completed six (6) 5-fluorouracil injections over a 5-week period. Complete…

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Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Cutaneous SCC

HISTORY A 58-year-old kidney transplant recipient presented with a 6-month history of squamous cell carcinoma of the left scalp. This large lesion was adjacent to the scar of a previous carcinoma excision in 2014. Patient is on sirolimus for his kidney transplant performed in 1984. He has had multiple BCCs and SCCs of scalp, back,…

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Lethal Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Forearm in a Lung Transplant Recipient

HISTORY A 71-year-old lung transplant recipient presented with a recurrence of left dorsal forearm and wrist Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) after Mohs excision in 2016 performed elsewhere. The patient underwent Mohs excision with clear margins and additional deeper wide local resection with no carcinoma identified. Patient was referred for radiation oncology evaluation, but he was…

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Recurrent Bowen’s Disease of Temple

HISTORY 63-year-old man presents with 9-month history of Bowen’s disease of right anterior and posterior sideburn biopsied on 08-20-18. History of previous Mohs excision of Bowen’s disease of the same area in February 2016. Patient has a history of multiple basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and melanoma. DISCUSSION Management of this lesion is best…

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Cystic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Forearm Skin

HISTORY 74-year-old man presents with 3-month history of painful lesion of the right forearm.  Biopsy found cystic squamous cell carcinoma with deep margins involved. Wide local excision was performed achieving clear margins. DISCUSSION Cystic degeneration within squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is not considered an especially malignant finding. These histologic findings may represent changes…

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Anticoagulant Use in Cutaneous Surgery

HISTORY 87-year-old man with atrial fibrillation presented with squamous cell carcinoma in situ of scalp and forehead. Patient was treated with Mohs and reconstruction on 7-3-18. Incisional hematomas appeared 2.5 weeks post Mohs and treated with I&D. Patient continued warfarin and baby aspirin throughout treatments. DISCUSSION Anticoagulant use in Facial and Dermatologic Surgeries has become…

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