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Archive for July 2022

Chronic Open Wound Management with Wound Vac

Chronic open wounds present a lifestyle challenge for patients. In particular, lower leg wounds can take months to fully heal and may require wound care to prevent infection and maintain a healthy, healing wound.  A wound vac or “vacuum-assisted closure of wound” can expedite healing. A wound vac decreases the air pressure on the wound…

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Dermaplaning and Dermabrasion to Treat Rhinophyma

BACKGROUND Rhinophyma is an uncommon form of rosacea that leads to thickening of the nasal skin and enlargement of nasal sebaceous glands. It usually occurs in men over 50.  It is slowly progressive and tends to worsen over time, resulting in a bulbous shape of the nose which gradually becomes deforming. Rhinophymatous papules often form,…

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