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Posts Tagged ‘orange county skin cancer’



HISTORY 33-year-old woman presents with 3-year history of slowly growing nasal tip lesion biopsied as a trichoepithelioma. Mohs excision was performed creating a 0.6 cm defect. It was reconstructed with a lateral nasal island flap. DISCUSSION Trichoepithelioma is a benign basaloid follicular neoplasm (arising from a pilosebaceous unit). Its basal cell proliferation is differentiated from…

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Scleromyxedema Cutaneous Lesions

HISTORY 87-year-old man with underlying scleromyxedema and history of multiple basal cell carcinomas presents with a left earlobe nodule. Biopsy revealed this to be a lesion with benign spindle cell proliferation in vague concentric whorls with associated dermal fibrosis and chronic inflammation. This was a typical scleromyxedema lesion presenting within the fatty earlobe and not…

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Cystic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Forearm Skin

HISTORY 74-year-old man presents with 3-month history of painful lesion of the right forearm.  Biopsy found cystic squamous cell carcinoma with deep margins involved. Wide local excision was performed achieving clear margins. DISCUSSION Cystic degeneration within squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is not considered an especially malignant finding. These histologic findings may represent changes…

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