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Archive for April 2019

Atypical Nevus – a Melanoma Precursor? Not Exactly

HISTORY A 27-year-old woman presented with many-year history of left cheek nevus. The lesion grew in size and changed in color. Shave biopsy showed a nevus with moderate atypical melanocytic hyperplasia. Residual pigmentation of the nevus and involved histologic margins remained after the biopsy. DISCUSSION Are all atypical melanocytic lesions pre-melanomas? Should dysplastic lesions be…

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Pediatric Office Procedures with PRO-NOX™ Nitrous Oxide

HISTORY An 8-year-old girl presents with a 1 year history of dark mole of the right lower eyelid. Initially presenting as a small freckle, it grew and darkened in color. Right lower eyelid excisional biopsy was performed utilizing PRO-NOX™ nitrous oxide system. Biopsy showed intradermal nevus, combined type (primarily a common blue nevus and a…

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Nasal Skin Graft Revision with Flaps

HISTORY The patient presented for scar revision 8 months after Mohs excision of BCC of the nose and closure with an ear skin graft, performed elsewhere. Patient presents for correction of the atrophic erythematous skin graft scar. The patient was treated with two signature flaps of the SCARS Center developed for nasal reconstruction. DISCUSSION The…

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