Pediatric Office Procedures with PRO-NOX™ Nitrous Oxide
An 8-year-old girl presents with a 1 year history of dark mole of the right lower eyelid. Initially presenting as a small freckle, it grew and darkened in color. Right lower eyelid excisional biopsy was performed utilizing PRO-NOX™ nitrous oxide system. Biopsy showed intradermal nevus, combined type (primarily a common blue nevus and a minor component of a deep penetrating nevus).

Pediatric patients present a challenge for dermatologists and plastic surgeons when office surgical treatment is required. Unlike adults, children often require the operating room with anesthesia sedation when a simple excision is required. Office-administered nitrous oxide is changing that. PRO-NOX™ nitrous oxide system is bringing analgesia and light sedation into the office setting. The machine is simply a control valve that mixes oxygen with nitrous oxide as a 50:50 mixture. The flow is dependent upon the patient’s inhalation effort, while providing no passive flow. This eliminates the need for gas scavenging systems in the office. The patient- controlled sedation avoids over-sedation or loss of protective reflexes and eliminates the need for monitoring. Pediatric procedures become more tolerated in the office setting.

This is not the patient featured in this case study.
The treatment involves having the patient take 3 deep breaths while sucking on the PRO-NOX™ tubing. The effect is felt after 3 breaths. In many patients, 5 breaths are required for the desired result. Holding the breath at the peak of inhalation maximizes nitrous oxide absorption. Repeat inhalations may be required after 3 minutes as the effect wears off quickly. Our adult patients can drive 30 minutes after the last inhalation. In some patients, more than 5 breaths may cause brief nausea.