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Archive for July 2018


Management of Recurrent Large Melanoma In Situ

HISTORY 78-year-old man presents with a recurrent melanoma in situ of left cheek in April 2018. Previously, the melanoma in situ was excised in 2001. Patient’s dermatologists performed excision in three stages over a period of 3 weeks to achieve clear margins.  Reconstruction of left cheek was performed with a cheek and neck platysma myocutaneous…

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Reconstructive Cases – Bilevel Grafts

DISCUSSION Nasal ala skin defects can be reconstructed with skin grafts generally with excellent results. However, deeper defects of the nasal ala repaired with a skin graft may result in a depressed deformity. Contraction of skin graft healing may also cause retraction of the nasal ala, especially with deeper defects. Adding a cartilage graft  to…

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Recurrent SCC of Nasal Tip

HISTORY 71-year-old man presents with recurrence of SCC of nose following Mohs excision on 2-9-17. Partial rhinectomy was performed with incomplete Mohs excision leaving residual positive margins due to patient’s comfort.  Two additional excisions of involved margins were done under anesthesia achieving clear margins. First stage reconstruction was performed on 4-11-18. DISCUSSION Management of a…

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Upper Chest BCC PNI

HISTORY 53-year-old man presents with a 4-year-history of BCC of upper chest.  The tumor measured 12 cm x 6 cm. Wide local excision with 1 cm margins on 11/10/2017 found clear margins and perineural invasion. The nerves up to 0.23 mm were involved by tumor. The final defect was 13.5 cm x 8.3 cm.  …

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Multiple Nasal Basal Cell Carcinomas

HISTORY 81-year-old man presents with 7-month history of two nasal tip and right nasal ala BCC’s. All three lesions were treated with 2 adjoining SRT fields. The course began 1-8-18 and completed by 1-26-18 after 15 treatments. DISCUSSION This patient represents an excellent candidate for radiation therapy. Electron beam radiation therapy can be used with…

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