Management of Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising in Bowen’s Disease
A patient presented to the SCARS Center with a nine month history of a biopsy proven Bowen’s disease of the left second toe. Mohs surgery discovered areas of invasive squamous cell carcinoma arising from Bowen’s disease within the lesion.

After completing Mohs surgery, additional deep soft tissue and phalanx bone were resected to insure tumor clearance. The final pathology showed no further cancer within the resected deep tissues.

Only 3-5% of Bowen’s disease (squamous cell carcinoma in situ) develop into invasive squamous cell carcinomas as seen in our case and photo micrograph image1.
1. Neubert, Thorsten, and Percy Lehmann. “Bowen’s disease–a review of newer treatment options.” Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 4.5 (2008): 1085.