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Skin Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery Center

Elevating the standards of Skin Cancer Management

Skin Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery Center

Elevating the standards of Skin Cancer Management

Patient Case studies

Patient Case Studies

Monthly Skin Cancer Conference

Monthly Skin Cancer Conference

SCARS Foundation Skin Cancer Conference is attended by a variety of physicians interested in skin cancer management, research, and education.

Reconstruction Gallery

Reconstruction Gallery

Skin Cancer Connection Newsletter

The Skin Cancer Connection

Read More About Cases Featured in our Quarterly Newsletter Publication.

Cancer Diagnosis Hand Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Situ

Hand SCC In Situ

HISTORY 68-year-old woman presents with a many month history of squamous cell in situ of left hand. This large 2.5 cm lesion on the hand poses a unique challenge to ensuring hand function post-operatively. Treatment options include C&D (curettage and desiccation), curettage only with post-treatment imiquimod, Mohs excision with a skin graft closure, or superficial…
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Right Ear Melanoma in Situ - Treatment

Right Ear Melanoma In Situ with Depth Uncertainty – The role of Histopathologic Discordance in Clinical Decision Making

HISTORY 40-year-old man presents with a 2 month history of right posterior ear pigmented papule. Shave biopsy on 9-18-17 showed malignant melanoma at least in situ. Excision with 5 mm margins on 10-9-17 confirmed residual melanoma at least in situ with clear margins. DISCUSSION Lack of superficial invasion cannot be definitely ruled out after a…
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BCC Presenting as a Back Keloid

HISTORY 80-year-old man presents with 2-year history of back nodule believed to be a keloid from a spider bite. The patient has a history of multiple basal cell carcinomas.   DISCUSSION Biopsy showed this lesion to be a basal cell carcinoma. Moral of the story is that not all keloids or spider bites are what…
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Chasing Margins of Melanoma In Situ of Back

  HISTORY 69-year-old man presents with melanoma in situ of the upper back. A biopsy on 6/15/2017 showed malignant melanoma at least in-situ. Excision with 5 mm margin and skin graft closure on 8/9/2017 found residual melanoma in situ with at 2-4 o’clock. Additional 4mm margin excision on 9-13-17 still found residual lesion at 1-3…
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HISTORY 65-year-old man with a history of BCC presented with a 4-year history of growing inflamed rhinophyma. First rhinophyma excision was done on 04-01-2013. Recurrence of rhinophyma resulted in the second excision and nasal planing procedure on 06-16-17. Pathology showed no evidence of malignancy. DISCUSSION Our approach to rhinophyma is based on sculpting of the…
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AFX to Pleomorphic Sarcoma of Neck - Treatment

Diagnosis change: AFX to Pleomorphic Sarcoma of Neck

HISTORY 93-year-old man presents with an incidentally discovered left neck mass during evaluation of a left ear SCC. Initial biopsy on 9-5-17 showed atypical fibroxanthoma. Excision of the left neck lesion with 5 mm margins on 9-26-17 revealed malignant spindle and epithelioid cell neoplasm consistent with pleomorphic dermal sarcoma. Deep and peripheral margins were involved.…
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Upcoming Conference Dates









Virtual Conference
5:30 pm

Meeting Agenda:
Skin Cancer Management, Reconstructive Challenges, Dermatopathology

Virtual Conference
5:30 pm

Meeting Agenda:
Skin Cancer Management, Reconstructive Challenges, Dermatopathology

Virtual Conference
5:30 pm

Meeting Agenda:
Skin Cancer Management, Reconstructive Challenges, Dermatopathology

Virtual Conference
5:30 pm

Meeting Agenda:
Skin Cancer Management, Reconstructive Challenges, Dermatopathology

Collaborative Care for Your Patients

SCARS Center specialists collaborate with referring physicians to establish customized care plans for patients. Primary physicians may refer patients, utilize the facility for combined treatment plans, or present cases at our monthly conference.  

AAD | Logo
American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
American Academy of Ophthalmology | Logo
The American Board of Anesthesiology | Logo


Our acclaimed and experienced skin cancer specialists deliver exceptional care to our patients using a comprehensive team approach.

SCARS Center specialists include dermatologists, dermatopathologists, radiation oncologists, facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons and ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeons.


Together we offer specialized treatment options that range from non-surgical cure such as Photodynamic Therapy, Superficial Radiotherapy, and topical chemotherapy, to Mohs excision in combination with closure and, in many instances, reconstruction by our board and double board certified plastic surgeons. The combination of specialists and treatment options available at SCARS Center provides patients with the convenience and quality of service every person deserves after a skin cancer diagnosis.


Skin Cancer and Reconstructive Center is home to the SCARS Foundation Monthly Skin Cancer Conference, which has been held on a monthly basis for more than 10 years. The CME-Accredited conference was established for the benefit of our patients, our physicians, and all physicians involved in skin cancer management.

Treatment Options for Skin Cancer Patients

skin cancer treatments

Comprehensive skin cancer management facility

Skin Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery Center is Orange County’s premiere skin cancer center, offering patients, physicians, and the community a credible, reliable, and convenient resource for understanding, preventing, and managing skin cancer.

Skin Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery Center Newport Beach


We are a JCAHO (Joint Commission) accredited ambulatory surgical center and a member of the ASCA (Ambulatory Surgery Center Association) with a full staff of board certified surgeons. We are dedicated to providing our physicians and their patients in the Newport Beach area with a safe environment and the highest quality of care, in a private outpatient setting.


Patient Case Studies

Patient Case Studies

Intraoperative Case Studies

Intraoperative Case Studies





Skin Cancer And Reconstructive Surgery Center

180 Newport Center Drive Suite 158 | Newport Beach, CA 92660 | P: 949.200.1600 | F: 949.719.1810

© 2018 SCARS Management Services. All rights reserved.